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Safety is priority at Palomar.  Ministry can not happen if the campers are not safe!  From abuse prevention and staff training and screening to activity safety and medical safety, Palomar is committed to protecting your child during their time on or off the mountain.


Palomar is very selective about the staff that we hire to partner with us in ministry here on the mountain.  All of our staff, whether seasonal or full time, go through the same rigorous screening process that allows us to see the applicant's character and commitment to the Lord.  Each person is background checked with the submission of the application, and are then interviewed face-to-face for 30 - 45 minutes.  During the interview process, we are looking for godly character, willingness to serve, and a love for people.  Our hiring staff is trained to watch for red flags or any areas of concern.  The applicant supplies Palomar with three non-family references that we call individually to discuss the applicant. 


As a part of our Summer Staff Training every year, all Palomar staff are required to go through Child Abuse Prevention training.  During this training, staff members learn what child abuse IS, what it can 

look like, and how to keep the campers and themselves safe at all times.  Some of the concepts that are covered during this time are:

  • The Rule of Three:  Staff members are NEVER to be alone with campers in a private place.  If a camper asks to speak privately or to go somewhere with them (trips to the bathroom, etc.), the staff member must find another person to accompany them or to be within eyesight of them.  

  • Appropriate and inappropriate physical or verbal interactions

  • Appropriate and inappropriate interaction outside of camp

  • What to do if you encounter abuse of any kind: under California law, if anyone has reasonable suspicion of any type of abuse it must be reported to the appropriate agency. ​


All Palomar staff is trained by American Red Cross to be certified in First Aid/CPR/AED.  We have an AED located at the office as well as a payphone to call 911.  The closest emergency medical assistance is the Palomar Fire Department eight minutes from camp.

With our Palomar - run programs, all camper medications are kept in a locked container and each distribution is recorded.  


During Summer Staff Training, Palomar staff are trained to facilitate each activity at camp with caution, attention to detail, and excellence. At the pool, there are two American Red Cross trained lifeguards stationed during all pool hours.  Pool water is inspected two times a day to ensure the safety of the swimmers. Archery is supervised by our trained staff members. Our Rifle Range is run by two NRA certified range masters any time the range is in operation.  We require all of our horse riders to wear a helmet.  All of our horse wranglers are CHA Certified, know our horses by name, and are excellent instructors in the arena and on the trail.


If there is a threatening fire near Palomar Christian Conference Center or other urgent situation, we will communicate immediately with the group leaders and parents of summer campers.

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Phone: (760) 742-3400 | Email: | Address: 34764 Doane Valley Rd.,/Mailing: PO Box 160, Palomar Mountain, CA 92060

Palomar Christian Conference Center exists to reach the lost for Christ, and to pursue spiritual growth through the study of God's Word.

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