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Click on the button with your camper's program name to download their packing list!


General FAQs that apply to all Summer camps are as follows.

For program-specific questions, please scroll down until you see your camper's program title.

Registration: For registration, please go to the page of the specific program you would like to register for and click on the button there that says "Register"! Programs can be found in the "Summer" drop-down menu in our title bar above. If you're not sure which camp is right for your camper, then just click "Summer" at the top of the menu to see an overview of each camp.

Payments: Follow instructions for Registration (see above). If you have not yet signed up, this will start the process! If you have already paid your deposit and want to pay on your balance, keep reading! On the page where you registered, under the big red "Sign Up" button, you will see small grey words that say "Already signed up? — Log In to access your registration". This will take you to your account, where you can make continued payments.

We also have a guide here for logging in.

If you are having trouble logging back into your account or would prefer to pay your balance over the phone (IF you have already registered online), contact our Registrar at (760) 742-3400.

What is a theme night?

One of our favorite traditions here at Palomar is our theme nights.  Theme nights are a chance for campers to dress up for particular themed activities.  It allows for fun, high energy games, and for campers to get to know their counselors and other campers.  Thrift stores are a great place to pick up theme night attire!  Theme nights will be listed on the "Typical Day" section of each program's page!

How do I get to camp?

Please see the "Directions" page. *Please do not take the Nate Harrison grade.  


Can I send mail to my camper?
WE LOVE MAIL!  We highly recommend pre-writing letters/packages and bringing them with you on Sunday when you drop off your camper.  This saves on postage and time in transit.  Please label mail: Program Attending, Dates, Camper Name, and the DAY you would like them to receive it. *Please be wary of sending food, as campers will only be allowed to eat it during their free time at camp.  Check out our Palomar Cookie Packages!  You can get your camper a dozen chocolate chip cookies to eat during Free Time and share with their friends.  All proceeds will go to our Camper Scholarship Fund!


How much money should I send with my camper?
We have a gift shop that includes snacks such as candy, ice cream, chips, and drinks; souvenirs like postcards, stuffed animals, and water bottles; and apparel such as t-shirts, hoodies, caps, etc. $50 covers more 
than enough for the week.

What if my camper takes medication?  

All medications must be administered by our trained staff.  If your camper needs to take medications while at camp, you must turn them in when you arrive on Sunday in a plastic bag with the Medication Form.  All over-the-counter and non-prescription drugs must remain in the ORIGINAL CONTAINER.  All prescription medications must be in a 

PHARMACY-LABELED container with the camper’s name on it.  Loose pills will not be accepted.

Is there a dress code?

Please understand that Palomar is committed to protecting the innocence of your child in the midst of a camp setting.  With this in mind, we will ask campers who are inappropriately dressed (rolled up cheerleader shorts or short shorts, shorts with lettering on the seat, tight pants, extremely tight or revealing T-shirts, shirts revealing the midriff, spaghetti strapped shirts and dresses, etc.) to change; therefore, we recommend sending extra shorts and T-shirts. During vaulting (for Horse Camp), we recommend yoga pants because they are easier to move in.  However, when the girls go down into main camp they will need to put shorts on over them.  We appreciate your sensitivity with this subject matter, as it is our goal to create the best camp environment possible.

Can I call my camper or can my camper call home?
To discourage homesickness, our policy is that campers will only call home in an emergency. If you need us to get a message to your camper, give us a call or send an email to and we will make sure they get it.


What if my camper gets homesick?
PCCC counselors are trained on how to deal with homesickness.  If the counselor needs extra help, leadership will have a conversation with the camper and we will call the parents as a last resort. 


Can I make a roommate request?
For Horse Camp, yes! There is a section in the forms (sent to your email when you register) where you can request a "cabinmate". Note: We split up the cabins by ages and usually we only have a 1-2 year difference in each. Adventure Camp sleeps in the forest, so no roommates are assigned.

What is the camper/counselor ratio?
1 counselor to 8 campers.


How do you select your counselors?  Do you do background checks?
PCCC understands that the counselors have the largest impact on the campers and take hiring very seriously.  All counselors have a strong relationship with the Lord and desire to serve Him by loving on campers this summer!  Every full time and seasonal staff member gets background checked and they go through an intensive interviewing process. Check out our Safety page or call us if you have more specific questions about your child’s safety at camp. If would like a preview of who your kids will be hanging out with all week, please click the "Meet Your Counselors!" link on the page for your camper's specific program.

What if there is a medical emergency?
All of our counselors and staff are CPR and First Aid Certified.  If there was a life-threatening emergency, our first responder is a fire department that is eight minutes away.  If your camper is involved in a medical emergency, you will be contacted immediately by one of our Programs Leadership staff. 


Can dietary needs be accommodated?
Yes, we can accommodate most food allergies as well as dairy-free, gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan lifestyles.  When you register, please let us know your camper's needs and we will accommodate them appropriately.

 ADVENTURE CAMP FAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

How many boys will attend?

Adventure Camp has the capacity for 21 boys. 

Where do they sleep?

Our campers and counselors sleep in sleeping bags on pads in tents next to a campfire.  At least one counselor will be in each tent so they will have a clear view of all the campers during the night, and they do a great job of taking care of the boys!

When and where is drop off and pick up? 
Drop off time will be between 3:30 – 5:00 pm on Sunday.  Closing Ceremony/Pick-up will be at 3:00 pm on Friday afternoon in the parking lot (see our Camp Map).  

 HORSE CAMP FAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What types of lessons are taught at Horse Camp?
The girls are split up into three riding groups according to past 
experience.  They are taught mainly in Western saddles.  The girls will also have lessons in the barn which teach them about horse health, parts of the horse, parts of the saddles, and barn maintenance.  We also have lessons every day covering riding, vaulting, and quadrille.  

If you have more specific questions about the lessons, please contact Janel Gunter at

How many girls will attend?

Each week of Horse Camp has a capacity for 21 girls maximum. 


How many girls can be in the same cabin together?

Each cabin will accommodate 7 girls, 1 counselor, and 1 WIT (Wrangler in Training).

Are the counselor/wranglers CHA Certified?

Yes.  All of our horse wranglers are CHA Certified, know our horses by name, and are excellent instructors in the arena and on the trail.

When and where is drop off and pick up time? 
Drop off time will be between 3:30 – 5:00 pm on Sunday.  Showdeo/pick-up is at 3:30 pm in the upper parking lot on Friday afternoon 
(see our Camp Map).  

If you have questions please contact Trish Guinn at, or by phone at (760) 742-3400

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Phone: (760) 742-3400 | Email: | Address: 34764 Doane Valley Rd.,/Mailing: PO Box 160, Palomar Mountain, CA 92060

Palomar Christian Conference Center exists to reach the lost for Christ, and to pursue spiritual growth through the study of God's Word.

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